Your safety and enjoyment of our classes is of the utmost importance to us. Please review the recommendations below to maximize class success for everyone.
1. Kindly leave your cell phones tucked out of the way and turned off during class.
2. Please save conversations for before or after class. Conversations between participants during a class are distracting for the instructor and disruptive to the other participants.
3. It is your responsibility to cancel any class that you have signed up for but cannot attend. There is strong likelihood someone is waiting for an open spot in class.
4. Please be on time for class. If you are late it is club policy that your instructor must re-assign your reservation to another participant on the waiting list.
5. As a courtesy to the next participant, and for the up-keep of our bikes please wipe down your bike and surrounding floor area after class.
6. Please follow the lead of the instructor as best you can. If you intend to deviate from the instructor's activities please discuss this with them in advance.
1. We are a ‘Scent Free’ facility. We ask that you refrain from wearing perfume, body lotion or any strong scents while exercising. We have many patrons with allergies and medical conditions that are adversley affected by strong scents.
2. For safety reasons and to respect the space of your neighbors, gym bags, large coats and other bulky items are not permitted in the cycling studio. Our instructors need to be able to assist riders without tripping over items on the floor. Please bring a lock and use the personal lockers provided.
3. Chewing gum during class is a safety risk and is not recommended.
4. Always inform the instructor before class if you have an injury or medical condition that could be affected by exercise.
5. If you are sick please prevent spreading illness and stay home to give your body a chance to recover.
6. Performing upper body strength exercises on a bike is inadvisable and possibly dangerous. Arm movements while cycling will not result in physiological benefit and is biomechanically unsound. We recommend focusing on getting the full benefits of what the bike is intended for.
7. Please avoid bouncing on the bike. Whether seated or standing, bouncing is an indication of a lack of resistance that can put stress on your knees and limit the effectiveness of your workout.
8. Try not to stand up on the pedals with a vertical spine. This will reduce your power, grind away at knee cartilage and compresses lower spine vertebrae. Instead, we recommend you stand as you would on an outdoor bike - hinge slightly at the hips, keep your hips over the cranks (the levers that attach the pedals to the bike) and your torso slightly forward of your hips.
Reservations for Spin classes are recommended. Sign with reception (604-465-8955) 24 hours in advance to reserve a bike. If your preferred time is already full, we will add your name to our waitlist and call you if a spot opens up. If you've made a reservation and cannot attend please call reception (604-465-8955) to cancel.