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STRENGTH & CORE – Core strength affects every part of your daily life so why not improve your body’s overall condition, look and feel with this intensive full-body workout?. Using principles of traditional strength training (working one muscle group to exhaustion) and functional training (dynamic recruitment of many muscle groups in a single exercise) to build overall strength and muscle tone while improving endurance, strengthening your bones and increasing your metabolism. 


STRENGTH & STRETCH – A slower paced version of Strength & Core with longer dynamic and isometric stretch sequences. A few cardio bursts to elevate your workout, this class is great for recover and build days and/or to increase your flexibity.


TOTAL BODY PLUS – A faster paced version of our Strength & Core class incorporating principles of HIIT (High Intensity Interval Training), TABATA (20 seconds work/10 second rest x 8 rounds), PLYOMETRICS (explosive power movements) using a variety of equipment  each week (weights,  step, ball, resistance bands, etc) to challenge and charge up your body.


STEP IT UP  – Get your heart pumping, build your cardio endurance with this invigorating and dynamic choreographed workout.  Improve your mind-body connection with combinations that will get your heart pumping, tone your muscles, challenge and improve your coordination and agility.   


CAMP FUNCTIONAL – Let’s go to camp – lift, pull, push, squat, rotate, hinge, rotate – MOVE! – to improve your quality of life every day. Using a variety of equipment and complex movements to recruit muscles groups.  Improve your posture, flexibility and strength so you can live your best life STRONG! 


CARDIO KICKBOX  JAB – KICK – STRIKE – PUNCH your way to a stronger, leaner, more flexible you! Incorporating principles of martial arts with strength and cardio combos, this invigorating fast-paced workout includes a dynamic warm-up and cool-down along with moves designed to increase strength and agility.  Finish with some core-based exercises and stretch for a great NO CONTACT workout. 


HATHA YOGA – Ha – the sun – Tha – the moon  - bring balance and union to your mind-body-spirit by embracing physical postures (asanas), mindful breath (pranayama), meditation and relaxtion (dyana). Strengthen your core, improve your flexibility and joint strength, stimulate your immune system have better sleep and lift your spirit and self through this beautiful practise. Bring your own yoga mat (to the small group studio)


ZUMBA – LET’S MOVE!  Latin and World Rythms will have you moving and grooving for a full body cardio and muscle conditioning experience.  Low intensity mixed with high-intensity moves ….isn’t that what dancing is all about?  Don’t worry if you’ve never danced before…just let the music and our instructors inspire your movements – boost your energy with this interval-style, calorie-burning dance fitness PARTY!


ZUMBA TONING – Zumba with the addition of light weights or Toning Sticks to enhance your rhythm sense and coordination, while toning target zones, including arms, core and lower body.

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